The Downey Patriot

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Adult school student on path of success

DOWNEY - Doreen Kalli recently earned her high school diploma at Downey School. She has worked very hard, going to the Learning Center (lab class) during both morning and evening sessions nearly every day, finishing each class in about one month.She attended Aviation High School years ago and got into the wrong crowd, as some teens do. She was smart and received good grades up until her junior year. Then it became more important to have a good time than go to school. Later in life she learned just how important her education would be to her future. Kalli got married young, raised two children and made sure they received a good education. She never really had a problem getting jobs, but always knew in the back of her mind that if she had not been foolish and had completed her education she would have been able to get better paying positions with better companies. She has been working in the accounting and bookkeeping field for a living, but does not have any formal training. Then life happened! Like many others, Kalli was laid off from her last position March 2009. It seemed like the perfect time to go back to school, get her high school diploma and go on to either get her accounting degree or receive training in a completely different field. That's when she enrolled at Downey Adult School and over the short time she's been on campus, she has earned the CCAE Student Recognition award, her high school diploma and has been inducted into the Adult Education National Honor Society. Kalli plans on continuing her education in either accounting or in the medical billing/coding field. She is considering Downey Adult School as her school of choice for the next career training phase on her way to Cerritos College. She recently received the Downey Realtors Association's scholarship award that will help her achieve her next goal. Contributed by Downey Adult School.

********** Published: June 4, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 7