The Downey Patriot

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A real coup

DOWNEY - Nothing against Michael Josephson of the Josephson Institute of Ethics, but this year's Gangs Out of Downey is on track to be something special.Josephson, last year's speaker, was inspiring as he told the story of how he helped found Character Counts. His speech made me take a good, long look at myself and analyze ways I can become a better person. But Jim Brown? The 3-time NFL MVP? He's guaranteed to be exciting. His securement as speaker has to be considered a real coup for the city of Downey. We owe many thanks to Dr. Robert Jagielski of DUSD, who spent more than six hours at Brown's Los Angeles home, selling him on the principles of GOOD, the very principles that has helped it become a model program for organizations around the country. Rock Johnson (what a name!), an executive with Brown's Amer-I-Can program, said Brown came away impressed with the anti-gang efforts being undertaken in Downey. It would be Brown's honor to speak, Johnson said. Tickets for the GOOD luncheon are not yet available, but mark your calendars for April 22. It's destined to be a heck of a meeting. ••• I don't know about you, but to me a 7-ft. tall Lady Liberty (see page 14) waving enthusiastically from the sidewalk is leaps and bounds more distracting than a man twirling a simple sign. Look at the picture. It's almost a little frightening. ********** Published: February 6, 2009 - Volume 7 - Issue 42