The Downey Patriot

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10 things I’d like to see in Downey in 2024

Editor Eric Pierce hopes to see a sold-out Downey Symphony concert in 2024. (Photo by Alex Dominguez)

DOWNEY – The 2003-04 NBA season was a rough one for the Lakers.

Favorites to win the championship, they muddled through the regular season before advancing past Houston, San Antonio and Minnesota in the Western Conference playoffs. But in the Finals, they were stopped by a less flashy but more disciplined Detroit Pistons and the Lakers season was over.

For the Lakers, a franchise that hangs only championship banners in its rafters, the season was an unmitigated failure. In response, they blew up the team, firing head coach Phil Jackson and shipping superstar center Shaquille O’Neal to Miami.

It was time to reset. It was time for new leadership with fresh ideas.

It’s not dissimilar to what is happening now in Downey. The city let go of its city manager, assistant city manager and other key staff members and recruited a fresh team of executives to formulate a new plan for Downey moving forward.

We’re seeing the fruits of those labors now, with Sprouts scheduled to open at the Downey Landing and other major economic development projects to be announced soon.

The Downey City Council is comprised of five smart people of varying backgrounds (an attorney, financial advisor, healthcare executive, realtor and restaurant owner) and that makes for diverse viewpoints, even if they don’t agree all the time.

Looking ahead to 2024, I see good things on the horizon. And while nobody asked for my opinion, I’m offering them anyway in the form of 10 things I’d like to see in Downey next year.

1. Small Business Appreciation: This year we lost Frantone’s and Chris’s Burgers, and Pepe’s is being displaced by a new Raising Cane’s (Pepe’s is searching for a new location, hopefully in Downey). Let’s rally behind our local entrepreneurs. By fostering a culture of support and recognition, we can ensure the prosperity of our small businesses, creating a unique and thriving local economy.

2. Downtown Archway: Picture strolling through Downtown Downey and being greeted by a magnificent archway, symbolizing our unity and marking a gateway to community connection. Plans are underway to make the archway a reality and I hope it comes to fruition.

3. Return of Horses to the Christmas Parade: Tradition holds a special place in our hearts. Welcoming back horses to the Downey Christmas Parade will revive cherished memories and infuse the event with a nostalgic charm.

4. Fourth of July Parade: Let’s paint the town red, white, and blue. Someone please host a Fourth of July parade to ignite patriotic fervor and provide a joyous occasion for families to come together.

5. Tackling Traffic Woes: It’s no secret that traffic congestion can dampen our spirits. Let’s explore innovative solutions to ease traffic, ensuring smoother commutes and safer roads for everyone. I’d start by scheduling construction on major roads (i.e. on Firestone Boulevard) during off-peak times.

6. Long-Term Arts Plan: A city that values art cultivates a rich cultural tapestry. Establishing a long-term arts plan will nurture creativity, fostering a vibrant arts scene for generations to come. This plan doesn’t necessarily have to include Stay Gallery although I hope it does.

7. Diverse Outdoor Vendor Markets: Spice up our markets. By diversifying the offerings in our outdoor vendor markets, we can cater to varied tastes and preferences, enhancing the community experience. I don’t need any more tumblers.

8. Downey Magazine: Capturing the essence of our city in print, a Downey-centric magazine will showcase local stories, events, and talents, serving as a beacon of community pride. This is a project I would love to be a part of.

9. Olympics Viewing Parties: Let’s unite in the spirit of sportsmanship. Hosting Olympics viewing parties will bring neighbors together, fostering camaraderie and shared excitement.

10. Sold-Out Symphony Concert: The harmonious melodies of the Downey Symphony deserve a full house. Achieving a sold-out concert will not only celebrate our love for music but also showcase the cultural richness of our city.

As we embark on this journey into 2024, I hope we collectively work towards these aspirations. By embracing change, nurturing tradition, and fostering community engagement, we can transform these dreams into realities. Downey, let’s paint a picture of progress, unity, and boundless possibilities for the year ahead. Together, we can make it happen.